Camping is My Happy Place

Camping is My Happy Place

Rest and Gratitude One of the things that has always amazed me about camping is that while there I am not on any schedule, and I can sleep later, sit and drink coffee longer, and embrace the little things that I would miss on a regular basis. This past week we went to...
Relational Disconnection in a World of Technology

Relational Disconnection in a World of Technology

Remembering Life Without Phones My kids will never know or understand a world without the technology they grew up with and became so accustomed to.  Yet I remember being a kid, playing in the neighborhood for hours, and only coming home when it was time for dinner. ...
Emotional Stuffers

Emotional Stuffers

Are You a Stuffer? Emotional stuffers are people who spend their entire life trying to push their emotions aside and truck through life in order to keep up with the demands of expectations both self-imposed and placed on them by others. They learned these skills...
The Danger of Assumption and Judgment

The Danger of Assumption and Judgment

Bashing Without Context In the past week I witnessed some very interesting behavior between adults in a Facebook group who responded vehemently to something that was posted.  A mother had posted her concern for a TED Talk that was shown in her child’s middle school...


Importance of Noticing This past week I was in Grants Pass Oregon camping on a beautiful property that our long-time friends have owned.  We have been visiting them in Grant’s Pass for the past 30 years.  There’s just something amazing about this small town.  The...