Guideposts 9 and 10 of Wholehearted Living

Guideposts 9 and 10 of Wholehearted Living

Today we’re going to be talking about the final two guideposts in Brené Brown’s book The Gifts of Imperfection.  I’ve made some strides in guidepost # 9 and I know I have more work to do in guideposts #10. Guidepost # 9  Cultivating Meaningful Work Letting go of...
Guideposts 5 and 6 of Wholehearted Living

Guideposts 5 and 6 of Wholehearted Living

In today’s blog, we are going to be looking at Guideposts #5 and #6 from Brené Brown’s book The Gifts of Imperfection.  Especially in today’s world, I think that Letting Go of the Need for Certainty and Letting Go of Comparison are two very important mindset shifts to...
Embracing Creativity Without Self Criticism

Embracing Creativity Without Self Criticism

The idea of being creative might make some of you cringe. Maybe you’ve been told you don’t have a creative bone in your body. Maybe you measure your own abilities with a tall measuring stick. Now close your eyes and let go of all preconceived notions. Repeat…I was...
When Creativity is Squashed

When Creativity is Squashed

We all can think back to messages received from either teachers, parents, or friends when we tried our best to put a pencil or pen to paper and get our creative juices flowing.  I remember being in 3rd grade and having the ability to copy a very detailed picture of...